A couple of years ago, I started an experiment: I left my phone at home when I went out. The...
Unconditional Love
Love is in the air and Cupid is busy at work. Or perhaps it’s Tinder, Match, or whatever app sparks...
Conquering January: A Counselor’s Perspective
Well, well, well…if it isn’t my old wintry adversary, January. We meet again. If you’re anything like me,...
Navigating the Holidays with ADHD
Tips for a Stress-Free Season Is anyone else stressed out that we have exactly three weeks until Christmas? While the...
Thanksgiving Holiday Preperations
Happy Thanksgiving...or is it? For some, the Thanksgiving holiday is associated with fun, food, and family. For others the theme...
A Reflection On Marriage
This month, I have the great privilege of experiencing a personal milestone that brings a sense of happiness and reflection...
Back To School; Creating a Positive Routine
The summer months in Dallas were filled with sunshine, swimming pools, and later sunsets. For many of us, summer is...
A Celebration of Life!
“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made...
Hello Summer
Summer! Sunshine, barbecues, and endless possibilities for fun. But let's face it, shifting to a less structured schedule can also...
Play Therapy For Growth and Healing
How Can Play Therapy Can Make a Significant Difference in a Child's Behavior? In the transformative world of child therapy,...