Dear Roz, It seems like I get stuck in the middle of every relationship. I am the mediator between my...
The Mysterious Case of the Disappearing Peri-Menopausal Woman
At first, it doesn't make sense. You feel good, you look good and though you may not be mistaken for...
Tarnished Knight
Dear Roz, At 29 years of age I have emotional baggage because I survived an abusive marriage. My current relationship...
It’s Time for Spring Clinging . . .er, Cleaning
The daffodils are in bloom, the azaleas are spectacular. There is a certain freshness to the air that can mean...
Flirty vs. Seductive
Roz,I'm married, and I heard that just flirting with another man is the same as cheating. I heard that "cyber...
Mom Wants All the Details!
Dear Roz,I just started dating someone a few months ago, and my mom wants to know all of the details...
Is There Something Wrong With the English?
Roz,I married an American with an English and Irish background. We have a great marriage, I think. But I don't...
How Often Is Often Enough?
Dear Roz,I've been married for five years, and everything is going great. There's one thing that worries me: our sex...
Vibrator Intro
Dear Roz: How do I ask my partner about using a vibrator and other sex toys?===> What do you mean,...
We’re Like Affectionate Roommates
Dear Roz,After 18 years, three challenging kids, house in the suburbs, etc., "Ken" and I are still partners; however, I...