4 Ways to Recharge Your Mom Batteries


As parents, we’re often told that we cannot be fully available to our children if we allow ourselves to become physically, emotionally, and mentally depleted. And oh, those little people do know how to drain our energy! Unfortunately, mothers, especially, tend to put everyone else’s needs first, leaving little or no time for themselves. But in the long run, instead of displaying martyrdom, they end up understandably exhausted, angry, and resentful (or drinking too much wine, or neglecting personal hygiene, etc.).

Here are 4 simple ways to recharge your mom batteries, before you find yourself running on empty:

  1. Get some exercise, preferably outdoors. If you can do so alone, all the better, but if you need to take the littles with you, let them ride along in a stroller while you enjoy some thinking time.
  2. Before you hit the hay, try journaling or meditating—even if it’s for only five minutes. Clearing out your thoughts and feelings right before bedtime can do wonders for improving your sleep.
  3. Incorporate music throughout your day and be sure it’s something you enjoy (i.e., not kiddie music). Dance along to it while you make dinner, or put on headphones while you’re exercising.
  4. Take a bath with all your favorite relaxation add-ons: candles, Epsom salts, scented bath oil, etc. Ask your partner or other adult to keep the kiddos away from you/the bathroom for at least twenty minutes.

Happy Mother’s Day!

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